Phosphorescent . A Picture Of Our Torn Up Praise [Pride - 2007]
PJ Harvey . Grow grow grow [White Chalk - 2007]
Anywhen . All That Numbs You [The Opiates - 2001]
Scout Niblett . Kiss [This Fool Can Die Now - 2007]
Do Make Say Think . You You're Awesome [You, you're a history in rust - 2007]
The Shaky Hands . The Sleepless [The shaky hands - 2007]
The Loose Salute . Death Club [Tuned to love - 2007]
The Isles . Major Arcana [Perfumed Lands - 2006]
Beulah . I've Been Broken (I've Been Fixed) [Handsome western states - 1997]
Chin Up Chin Up . We Should Have Never Lived Like We Were Skyscrapers [We Should Have Never Lived Like We Were Skyscrapers - 2004]
Maps . You Don't Know Her Name [We Can Create - 2007]
The Charlatans . Believe You Me [Some Friendly - 1990]
World of Twist . Sons of the Stage [Quality Street - 1991]
The Immortal Lee County Killers . Turn On The Panther [This Bones Will Rise To Love You Again - 2005]
Battles . Atlas [Mirrored - 2007]
'Scout Niblett (with Will Oldham) - Kiss'
segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007
por ricardo jerónimo às 12:19 da manhã 0 comentários
segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2007
Low . Cue the Strings [The Great Distroyer - 2005]
Jessica Bailiff . Lakeside Blues [Feels Like Home - 2006]
Hope Sandoval & The Warm Intentions . Drop [Bavarian Fruit Bread - 2001]
Akron/Family . Before and Again [Akron/Family - 2005]
Laura Veirs . Don't Lose Yourself [Saltbreakers - 2007]
My Morning Jacket . Heartbreakin' Man [The Tennessee Fire - 1999]
Islands . Don't Call Me Whitney, Bobby [Return to the Sea - 2006]
Jack Peñate . Spit at Stars [Matinee - 2007]
Loose Fur . The Ruling Class [Born Again in the USA - 2006]
Piano Magic . The last engineer [Part Monster - 2007]
Radiohead .15 Step [In Rainbowns - 2007]
Vive La Fête . Touche Pas [Nuite Blanche - 2003]
Bush Tetras . You Can't Be Funky [Boom in the Night: 1980/83 - 1995]
The Boggs . Remember the Orphans [Forts - 2007]
The Rakes . Retreat [Capture/Release - 2005]
The Smiths . This Charming Man [The Smiths - 1984]
'Jack Peñate - Spit at Stars'
por ricardo jerónimo às 3:00 da manhã 4 comentários
quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2007
Novo header, vulgo cabeçalho.
por ricardo jerónimo às 5:48 da tarde 6 comentários
quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2007
Sejam muito bem-vindos.
por ricardo jerónimo às 1:25 da manhã 6 comentários